Welcome! Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. Everything you need to know is here.
Please complete the following Volunteer Application Package.
You are also required to complete the following two documents and submit them to the RCMP detachment where you reside.
Once the Police Information Check is complete, attach it with your application, your signed and witnessed Oath of Confidentiality, and your current resume.
*Please read the Volunteer Information and the Volunteer Manual.
*There are further documents below that require your signature.
• Volunteer Information
• Volunteer Manual
• Appendix A – Code of Ethical Practices_14July2015 revised
• Appendix B – Oath of Confidentiality
• Appendix C – Confidentiality and Non-competition
• Appendix D Emergency Notification
Please deliver your application package either:
#2350 Little Shuswap Lk Rd, Chase B.C. V0E1M2
by email: info@PeacekeeperMediation.com
call us: 1-888-Go-PEACE
efax: 1-800-Go-PEACE
We will contact you as soon as possible to schedule a Volunteer Orientation and Interview.
Thank you for your interest in Peacekeeper Mediation.