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Community Workshops & Seminars

This is the page where we will post upcoming training opportunities for potential facilitators. Here you will also find upcoming community events, such as seminars & panel discussions that are open to the public & geared towards community education & raising awareness. .


Royal Canadian Mounted Police Corporal Jim Cooley leads the way for indigenous communities. He was the first among tribal groups to officially certify as a CJF facilitator. Read this article below:

Improving Restorative Justice in BC Symposium. Peacekeeper Mediation is involved in the annual conference to improve Restorative Justice practices in the province of BC. Jabala Sjodin was a founding member of the Working Conference for Advocates and Practitioners, a forum for improving Restorative Justice in B.C., (2010).
This collective approach has seen great success in the formulation and implementation of best practices in the province. Please see the links below for more details, regarding National Restorative Justice Week held each November in Canada:

Please visit the Ministry Of Public Safety and Solicitor General's website:
"Community Safety and Crime Prevention"

Please visit Correctional Service of Canada’s Restorative Justice website


A Peacekeeper Seeks Reconciliation With the Heart

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